After over thirty years of working for greater diversity and inclusion in higher education, I read the Supreme Court decision on affirmative action with great sadness, but also a lot of hope.
I am sad that the Supreme Court has ignored decades of precedence and common sense. I am sad that there remains a belief that using diversity as a plus factor among qualified students is somehow unfair, despite the evidence that the most rejective higher education institutions remain only marginally diverse. I am sad that a tool that has been used cautiously and judiciously, perhaps too cautiously and judiciously, has been taken from our institutions, and I am deeply, deeply sad that it is likely that this decision will discourage highly qualified students of color from seeking admission to those highly rejective institutions.
This echoes concerns from our Consortium Board members. American University President Burwell said it clearly, “We cannot be truly excellent without being truly inclusive.” Howard University President Wayne A. I. Frederick called the ruling an “unfortunate decision.” “Historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are carrying an outsized burden…” he said on CNN Thursday. “By not allowing race to be considered in admissions elsewhere, you can put an even more outsized burden on historically Black colleges and universities who don’t have the capacity to carry that type of a burden.”
Georgetown University President DeGioia wrote, “Today’s decision is particularly concerning as a recent report from Georgetown’s Center on Education and the Workforce has found that enrollment of historically underrepresented racial and ethnic groups at selective colleges and universities would likely stall or decrease if the Supreme Court bans the consideration of race in admissions—even if other factors, such as socioeconomic background, were weighted more heavily.”
I am hopeful, however, because I know that we remain deeply committed to access and inclusion. I believe that higher education will redouble our efforts to support students when they need it most, and will be more aggressive than ever at recruiting diverse students. I believe that more and more institutions will reduce practices that limit diversity, and make their campuses even more welcoming. In short, I believe that we will do everything within our power to address the daunting obstacles this decision presents to serve our students.
Part of why I can be so hopeful is the privilege of working with the colleges and universities in the Washington, D.C. region. We are fortunate that our region’s colleges and universities are some of the most diverse in the nation. I know these presidents and their teams, whose efforts inspire me every day, are committed to uplifting students in our community, and to attracting diverse talent from around the world. The sentiments of our campus leaders are well exemplified by the statement from University of Maryland President Pines and Provost Rice, “At a time when students who have historically faced the greatest barriers to accessing higher education are being told that the admission process may become more challenging than ever, we have a clear, loud and true message: we will remain a national leader by encouraging and supporting students of all backgrounds as they apply, enroll and graduate.”
That success is far more likely when we work together. It is more critical than ever that our area’s corporations, philanthropies, and governments collaborate with our higher education institutions to address our deep, historic economic disparity. Working together we can be transformative in making the national capital region a model for equitable economic development, educating the resilient, adaptable, and diverse workforce and citizenry of the future.
Andrew Flagel, PhD
President and CEO
Consortium of Universities of the Washington Metropolitan Area