Consortium Research Fellows Program
ARI-SARU: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow (Ft. Belvoir, Virginia)
Consortium Research Fellow, U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI), Selection & Assignment Research Unit (SARU), Ft. Belvoir, VA.
Research Projects
The Post-Doc will contribute to the Selection and Assignment Research Unit’s work on developing, validating, and implementing selection and assignment measures and assessments. The selection and assignment measures and assessments may include cognitive, non-cognitive, and attitudinal predictor and criterion assessments in the areas of personality/temperament, interests, cyber aptitude, and gender integrations.
Specific Tasks
The Post-Doctoral Fellow may be tasked with conducting literature reviews, identifying and prepaying measures for data collection, collecting data, conducting data entry, conducting data management and analyses, assisting with preparing briefing materials, and contributing to technical reports and/or conference papers based on the data analysis. The Post-Doc will be asked to analyze the TOPS data file and provide semi-annual briefing charts with additional analyses as requested throughout the year. The Post-Doc will be asked to identify gaps in our criterion data collection and investigate measures to address the gaps. The Post-Doc will be asked to examine compensatory relationships between available accession screens to maximize prediction of performance.
Ideal Candidate Skills
- Knowledge of selection, performance assessment, assignment/classification, cognitive assessment, and non-cognitive assessment literatures
- Experience and skills performing literature review
- Basic understanding of qualitative and quantitative data analysis
- Working knowledge of SPSS
- Working knowledge of Microsoft Office programs
- Proficient oral/written communication skills
- Good teamwork skills
- Attention to detail
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